In collaboration with the UARK Diversity and Inclusion office, this campaign was created to bring attendance to multicultural events from students that felt they weren’t a part of the targeted audience, to create a more diverse environment at the University of Arkansas.
To create a more intimate connection to the students I applied my campaign to platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, and Spotify.
The Instagram story posts would be posted during an event calling out to students to come join it in the moment. Small videos of interactions from students would be collected and then edited for after the event posts. These would then be saved to the Instagram highlights. These posts could then be re-uploaded onto Snapchat.
For the Spotify advertisement, testimonials would be collected from students at diversity events which would be about 15 seconds and would have a snippet of the students thoughts on going to an event that didn’t apply to them but still let them support who the event was for.
There would also be email flyers sent out within the already existing school email flyer to create even more points of contact, inviting students to the events before they happened to prepare them.